Reserve Residence space are expected to add vibrancy by creating a new urban neighbourhood
Reserve Residences is an all-new New property that is breathtaking in its style. It is located within Upper Bukit Timah, District 21 of Singapore. It is an property that is highly sought-after because of its gorgeous and luxurious residence. It is believed to be among the most peaceful properties in terms of accessibility and comfort. It is made up of two towers with 3 stories in each.
This mixed-use development is intended to be the principal transport hub within a space that will comprise buses that are intermodal on the upper levels and areas for residents to live in three and lower levels. The development is referred to in the form of "the Future Integrated Transport Hub located in Beauty World was included as part of the URA's Master Plan which is expected to be completed by the time of the year's end.
They also offer seamless connections to the nearby MRT Stations and assist in the construction of industrial and commercial buildings. Reserve Residence condos are capable of housing 700 houses and are divided into multiple residences that can be adapted to suit the particular requirements of the clients.
It's located near an intersection between Upper Bukit Timah Road and Jalan Jurong Kechil. It's situated on a 3.22 acres site near the entrance to at the Beauty World's Metrorail station (DT5) The site is located on the site which is believed to be the biggest of its kind in GFA which is 96.555 sq m.
The an site is located on the site which is situated on the site that is currently changing into a unique mixed-use development that includes the creation of a transportation hub which will enhance the overall experience of visitors and alter the impression visitors get when they leave after their visit to Beauty World.
This project will be expected to create Beauty World as green space within the city. It is accessible to public transportation.
Far East Organization was established in 1997. It is a part of Singapore Mainboard. Singapore Mainboard of Singapore Exchange was founded in the year 1968. It is a member of the Group of Singapore is the largest privately owned property developer with its main office located in Singapore since the day it was established.